
On Saturday, January 18th, we had 10 JH students, and 3 HS students attend the Lewis and Clark Conference Band event at Wayne State College. It was a fun day of making music and everyone did great! Also special shoutout to Alen Whitewing who medaled as 2nd chair for the 3rd Trombone section!

WPS activities update
There is no JV girls game tonight vs Randolph as they don't have numbers sorry about this.

WPS Activities 1-24
Boys and Girls Basketball @ Winnebago vs Randolph
JV girls (2qrts) 4:45
JV boys (2qrts) 4:45
Varsity Girls- 6pm
Followed by Varsity boys
Catch the action on Hudl Fan

Pop out! 👀

Tonight! 🏀

WPS activities 1/23
Boys and girls HS Basketball @ Ponca 4:45pm (Main Gym)- JV Girls (2 Quarters) 4:45pm (Activities Gym)- JV Boys 6:00pm Varsity Girls 7:45pm Varsity Boys

WPS activities 1-23
Boys and Girls WR Conference Dual Tourney @ Winside 11am

The basketball game @ Ponca that was supposed to be tonight has been rescheduled for Jan 23. Same times and schedule
4:45pm (Main Gym)- JV Girls (2 Quarters)
4:45pm (Activities Gym)- JV Boys
6:00pm Varsity Girls
7:45pm Varsity Boys

WPS activities update 1-21
There will be no evening activities practice or games Due to the extreme temps not improving.
We will attempt to reschedule the game with Ponca if possible and let you know when that will be. Stay warm today.

WPS activities
Boys and Girls Basketball @ Ponca
4:45pm (Main Gym)- JV Girls (2 Quarters)
4:45pm (Activities Gym)- JV Boys
6:00pm Varsity Girls
7:45pm Varsity Boys
Streaming: Hudl TV - https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ne/ponca/organization/11425/ponca-high-school

No school for WPS tomoorw 1-21 due to negative temps and them extending further in the morning.
The basketball game at Ponca we are not sure about yet and WPS will let know when we get the word on that.

WPS activities 1-20 Girls WR @ Battle Creek 11am girls need to be at the school by 6:15am
JH boys WR @ Wisner 5pm jh boys that are wrestling need to be at the school by 2:45

Jh girls basketball vs Homer tomorrow has been canceled due to Homer not having school due to wind chills. WPS will keep you informed if we can get a make up date set.

WPS activities 1-18 Boys wrestling @ Battle Creek
9am Conference music @WSC 9am
Girls basketball (varsity girls only) @ Flandreau vs Sisseton 3pm

Reminder all 7-12 Band Members who are attending Conference Band in Wayne Tomorrow. Be at the school ready to leave at 7am! Bring a Water Bottle, wear comfy clothes for rehearsals, and clothes for the Concert at 4:30. If you have any questions, please let Mr. or Mrs. Garthoff know.

WPS activities 1-17 girls and boys basketball vs Wynot Jv start 4:30, var girls 6, var boys to follow girls game.
Catch the action on Hudl Fan

WPS activities 1-16 Jh girls basketball @ Wakefield 4:15pm B game will be 2 qrts Follows by full A game

The jh girls basketball game is in Winnebago stats at 4pm vs Pender
Hs girls and boys basketball plays in Emerson starts at 4pm

WPS activities 1-14
Jh GBB vs Pender 4pm
G/b Bb @ TCNE (in Emerson) 4pm rolling time games.
JVG- 3QT starting at 4:00